Impulse Shopping- How to stop in 3 Steps – A 30-Day Challenge

Impulse Shopping- How to stop in 3 Steps – A 30-Day Challenge

Impulse shopping! We’ve all been there. You go to Target for one thing. ONE thing!! Then somehow you walk out $150 dollars later thanks to good ol’ impulse buying! And let’s not even talk about Costco, lol. Reducing your imulse buying will help you to save money, and who doesn’t need to do more of that?

I have decided enough is enough. And I am going to start a challenge to do zero impulse shopping for the next 30 days! Who is with me? Keep reading to check out my 3-step plan for reducing impulse buying.

Stop Impulse Shopping -Step 1

Create a list.

I am not saying you can’t buy anything. That would be silly! I am saying did I really need two more nail polishes?? Really, self? So for the next 30 days I will not walk into a store without making a list. Even if that list is on the back of a receipt and I am writing it as I walk through the sliding doors.

Stop Impulse Shopping – Step 2

No more wandering.

Stop wandering around the store. Once you have your list, only go down the aisles that include the items on your list. If you came in for milk, get out of the shoe aisle. Impulse buying happens because we allow opportunities to be encouraged to succumb to our impulses. You can’t impulse buy what you don’t see!

Stop Impulse Shopping – Step 3

Give it 30 days.

IF you still happen to stumble upon something that you really, really want while heading straight to the milk aisle, then take a photo of that item on your phone and add it to your notes on your phone or a similar app… and if you still want that item at the end of the 30-day challenge, then go get it! You deserve it!!

My goal this month is put away an extra $300 dollars into my rainy day fund. And based on my last Target run, that is so doable! Good luck and stay strong, and let me know how you do!



impulse shopping
impulse buying
how to save money

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Check out my blog post on How to Save Money While You Shop


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